Portrait by Ruthi Houdek

Heather Dreadful

Traditional & Aspiring Tattoo Artist

Tattoo Designs

Pet Portraits

Wildlife Paintings

Other Artwork


Looking to commission some art, design or textiles? Contact me!

Portrait by Ruthi Houdek

Avatar by Ruthi Houdek


My name is Heather Dreadful, a southwest Florida native who has been making art for as long as I can possibly remember. I do my best to use my art to capture the vibrant way the world is and share how it makes me feel with others.Looking to commission some art, design or textiles? Be sure to check out my Terms of Service below so you know what to expect, then Contact me!

Terms of Service

Please keep in mind I do have a job and am a full time mother so please don't rush me. My turn around time is about 2 weeks to a month from the date I START the commission. I do not work with minors, as they can not legally sign a contract, sorry for any inconvenience!COPYRIGHT:
All respective rights to commissioned work are Copyrighted to myself, Heather Dreadful (AKA Fala) This gives me the right to post it, use it for portfolios, make prints, etc.
You are allowed to use the picture as banners, avatars, etc AS LONG AS credit to me IS visible. (My watermark is on the image or if it's an avatar have credit to me on the site, your profile page, etc).Please do not edit my work without my consent as this violates copyright and will disqualify you from future commissions.If you would like to use the image for commercial purposes we can discuss copyright purchasing options.WIPS AND EDITS:
NOTE: These stages are NOT available for pet portraits.
I have 5 stages that I give WIPs (works on progress) at:1. Base sketch: a quick doodle just to give you an idea of my direction
2. Final sketch: refined sketch with all the clothes and hair added
3. Inks: likework/ outlines
4. Flat colors: no shading or details added
5. Completed: scanned and fully colored
I will gladly edit as much as you want in the sketch stages of the commission. But once I ink it, I can only make minor changes so please make sure you are happy before you give me the ok to ink the commission.PAYMENT:
Payment is due before any work is started but I will accept payment plans if you need one.
Currently I only accept paypal or cash app.REFUNDS:
I reserve the right to cancel and refuse any commission. If you need to cancel the commission for any reason, please let me know as soon as possible. If I have already started the commission you will only receive a partial refund.
I strongly encourage getting the artwork shipped to you, as traditional art is always prettier in person. I ship at the end of the month and will notify you when it is sent out.
USA: $10
International: $20
(Unless you commissioned something larger/heavier, which may cost more.)
You agree to this upon sending an order so make sure you understand, and take the time to contact me if you have questions if you are unsure. (This is also how to make an order right now as my new commission form is being created at this time.)


Want to get in contact with Heather about her work? Use the contact form below!If you are looking to commission something, please be sure to read my Terms of Service before contacting me.